Detail View for Genus


This view contains BacDive IDs and URLs to the detail view for BacDive ID. Paginated with 100 entries per page.


  • {genus} - name of the genus, for example: Bacillus
  • {species_epithet} - the species epithet, for example: subtilis
  • {subspecies_epithet} - the subspecies epithet, for example: subtilis

All parameters are case insensitive.

Result description

  • count - the number of retrieved entries (strains) for the given genus name
  • next - URL to the next page, if available, otherwise null
  • previous - URL to the previous page, if available, otherwise null
  • results - list of retrieved entries for the given query, paginated with 100 entries per page.
GET   /taxon/Bacillus

title: BacDive API error

code: 403

message: "Access forbidden. Authentication required."